Kathleen's Writings

Charismatic Renewal, Part 2: Bible Studies Everywhere

We had found the pearl of great price and now God was dwelling inside our hearts, leading and guiding us. It was like riding in a high-powered vehicle after walking on foot. Many people were leaving their churches for newer ones with the charismatic flavor, but some people also stayed in their churches as they found solace in their transformation, seeking God with a greater intensity. The doors to churches and retreat centers, which were once closed to outsiders, now welcomed those who would listen to testimonies about Christ. Many nuns, priests and ministers began to openly share about finding new faith and joy in serving God. Salvation was not joining a church, but it was and still is, finding a relationship with God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

We met many new friends who were also searching like we were, finding the truth and turning their backs on their old lives immediately and without reservation. We would drive several miles just to attend a Bible study to satisfy our hunger for the Word of God. Many told us, “Oh, we were just like that when we first became saved, be we eventually settled down.” Not one day passed that I did not witness or lead someone to the Lord…and we never did “settle down.” Dave and I soon realized that we both had a call on our lives.



Other Writings

"It seems hard to keep teaching straight and on track. Extremes always take over, often taking people into the ditch. So it is with the revelation of the “purpose for life”, which turned everyone’s eyes on God and his plan for their life."