Kathleen's Writings

If My People: Purposes

It seems hard to keep teaching straight and on track.    Extremes always take over, often taking people into the ditch.  So it is with the revelation of the “purpose for life”, which turned everyone’s eyes on God and his plan for their life.     Finding your purpose in life IS greater than finding your mate, a college, a home or a new car.

  • Jesus found his purpose:  For this purpose was the Son of God manifest to destroy the work of the evil one.    1 Jo 3:8
  • Paul’s purpose was to take the message of Christ to the Gentiles.   Ga. 2:7
  • The purposes of God are very goodHis plans are success, blessing, health, wealth, and goodness all around.    I know the plans I have for you, plans to bring you to an expected end.   Jere.29:11

For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, says the lord, thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome.  Amp.

I have it all planned out-plans to take care of you not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for.   Message           

  • The plans of Satan and his dark forces is to steal, kill and destroy.   John 10:10.   Just as Israel had been confused about God and did not know Him, people today are just as confused, blaming all their ills on God.  You see, Satan is disguised as an angel of light to deceive the elect.

This is not difficult.   We cannot confuse the two.

“ There is a reason for this to happen” came out of many people’s lips, even those who knew better and had been taught their authority as a believer.    The idea of ‘purpose’ became a buzzword, indicating that no matter what happens to you, cancer, premature death, heart attacks, and troubles along with good things is an intricate design to mold your life and make you who you are. The idea that God sends sickness or any evil to bring about his purpose has weakened the church.



Other Writings

"Twenty years later I still saw myself as the young man whose father passed away. I did not verbalize it but that identity was there, just below the surface. I saw myself as an orphan, always lacking, destined to suffer the rest of my life. "