Kathleen's Writings

My Yellow Chair

In 1969 Dave and I took a trip to the New Jersey coast. We went with our three daughters, Melissa 9, Kim 3, Diana 1.  When we returned, we were met with devastating news. When we left Pittsburgh, Mother had what we thought was a gall bladder attack. But then upon return, we found out that she was in the hospital.  My father, a christian scientist, typically avoided all medical reports. I called the doctor to find out her condition. He told me we needed to come and talk to him. I called dad and we arranged to go together.

The doctor told us that when he operated on Mother, they found cancer and so much so that it had spread too far and there was nothing more they could do.  They told us that she had approximately 9 months to live. This was my very first experience with any serious problem. When I returned home to Forest Hills [our neighborhood], I walked straight to the kitchen, to the yellow set of table and chairs and fell to my knees. I cried out to God, and out of my heart came the cry, “Please heal my mother. I give you my whole heart.”  At that moment, a new life began for me. Great strength and peace came to me for the task that was ahead; I was born again.

My friend, Betty Jean, had used the term ‘saved’, which was a term I had never heard, but what she had told me about God was enough to make the miracle of salvation come true. For two years, I carried her words in my heart, but I never acted. But that day in the kitchen, when I made my confession, I meant it with all my heart. Betty Jean also took leaflets of instruction to my mother in the hospital and she prayed the prayer also. On June 20, 1970, at age 65, mother died, but she was kept from great pain by God. I was with her almost every day at the end and she grew thin. But the night she died, Dave, Dad and I held to each other tightly and God led us out of this dark time.

Later, I had a dream and mother spoke to me. She told me not to worry, that she was well, and her body was perfect.



Other Writings

"The whole class stood to their feet and cheered. We had made it to this land. Our lives were about to change."