The following is my daily list which I pray for various topics. I have worked on hard on this since 1986 to build my faith that when I speak changes will occur. This is just a suggestion and you can add those things which are on your heart. Of course, following this I pray for my family and children and grandchildren and our ministry. It only takes a few minutes and I try to listen to the Spirit each day for His leading. If we all pull together, we can make a difference.
We pray wisdom for the office of the President of this land and this administration. They would be fruitful and do good for the people.
US and State Senators and Congressmen
Strengthen and Protect righteous men and women in office- & their family.
Judges to make laws in accordance with your word. We stop all unrighteous legislation.
All Governors, elected and appointed officials.
Safety for all military troops all over the world and their families. REVIVAL for Chaplains
Safety for all schools and teachers. Our Children will be taught of the Lord. Angels at every school and bus stops guarding our children.
Law enforcement officers. Officials protected from slander and have safety.
All protective services: EMT firemen, ambulances etc.
Border guards, harbor guards, airports. Borders in the United States and special safety and keenness and protection for those men and women who guard our entrances.
Landmarks, buildings, public places are safe
Children to be safe and have angels around them
Animals to be protected and cared for.
Ministers, pastors and churches
Your Pastors and their families
Medical profession; health care reform
Retail: businesses to be honorable
Coal miners, laborers and dangerous occupations to be safe
Safety in prisons, for chaplains and wardens, and prisoners to be restored
drugs, Illegal activities all are stopped.
God is on our side of the U.S. and no evil shall befall us. Ps 91
Your Hometown
List local churches
Body of Christ
Send laborers into the harvest, their steps are ordered of the Lord
Boldness to share Christ
Provide opportunities to witness Christ
Safety and protection on leaders of the Body of Christ
Nations: Canada, UK, Europe, Africa, Peace in Ukraine, Middle East, Russia, India, China
All the ends of the earth shall remember and turn to the Lord
And all the families of the nations shall bow before him
The kingship belongs to the Lord
And He rules over the nations Ps 22:26-27